Behinderung: Fördermaßnahmen für behinderte Nachwuchswissenschaftler/-innen

Deutscher Akademikerinnen Bund e. V.

Female academics of all subject fields are supported, especially with regard to publications and achievements, by the provision of awards. The association provides support without consideration for politics, religion, nationality or age. Female students are also invited to apply for support.


The Foundation promotes talented female researchers with children and is particularly aimed at postgraduate and postdoctoral students of experimental natural sciences or medicine.

Hildegardis Association

This is the oldest association for providing support for female researchers in Germany. The Hildegardis Association aims to improve the conditions for female education on a long-term basis. To achieve this improvement, a selection of women is individually supported through loans and scholarships

Foundations related to political parties:


The Heinrich-Böll-Foundation associates itself with the political conviction of the Green Party (Die Grünen). It attaches great importance to ecology and sustainability, but also to gender equality. Thus, the promotion of women is a main focus of the work of the foundation. In the future, the foundation is looking forward to receiving more applications particularly from women studying scientific or technical subjects.

Gunda-Werner-Institute for Feminism and Gender Democracy

The Gunda-Werner-Institute is part of the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation and deals with feminist and gender-democratic issues in particular. The Institute is especially concerned with gender-political topics. In most cases, they are related to internal political issues.


The Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation is affiliated to the PDS political party. Its priority is supporting women, particularly those coming from low-income families.

German Foundation for Women and Gender Research

The foundation is intended to call attention to the contributions of women to the history of mankind and promotes projects, which deal with respective topics.

maecenia Frankfurt Foundation for Women engaged in the Sciences and Arts

Maecenia, the Frankfurt Foundation for Women engaged in the Sciences and Arts, supports future-oriented projects by women in all fields of the sciences, arts and culture.

Support programmes of the Länder

All state governments have resources for diversity management actions at their disposal.

Accordingly, the states offer a broad range of support programmes. You will find further information on the websites of the respective state ministry. The following are just a random selection.

Support for Women in Sciences (Rheinland-Pfalz)

The website of the Ministry for Education, Science, Youth and Culture (Rheinland-Pfalz) gives an overview of the gender equality policy of the state with regard to Higher Education Institutions and research and science. It furthermore provides information about specific support programmes for women and scholarships, such as the Ada Lovelace Project, a mentoring network for women who are engaged in engineering and natural sciences.

Support for Women in the Sciences (Baden-Württemberg)

The website of the Ministry for Science, Research and Art of Baden-Württemberg gives detailed information on gender equality promotion in higher education policy, e.g.:

§ Margarete von Wrangell-habilitation-programme for women

§ Schlieben-Lange-Programme for young researchers with children

LaKoG – Conference of Equal Opportunities Officers at universities and academic institutions in Baden-Württemberg

The web pages of LaKoG offer information about support programmes for young women academics like the MuT-Mentoring and Training programme, the Schlieben-Lange programme for young women researchers and academics with children and the Margarete von Wrangell programme to support young women university lecturers, as well as information on current awards and scholarships. LaKog also offers concepts dealing with human resources and university development.

Companies and other Institutions:

Fraunhofer Institute

The Fraunhofer Corporation is one of the largest research organizations and operates worldwide. The Fraunhofer Institute offers women:

§ postgraduate programmes

§ advanced education seminars for women

§ research projects on gender aspects

§ Total E-Quality Rating

§ child care

and many other services.

Femtec is a cooperation project of the universities of Aachen, Darmstadt, Dresden, Stuttgart and Berlin in association with internationally-based companies. The project aims to encourage more women to take up studies in engineering and the sciences.

Higher Education Institutions

Higher Education Institutions in particular are concerned with gender equality. Thus, many of them provide specific support resources for women. The following university is just a random example. It is worth doing research at respective universities for more information.

University Greifswald

The University of Greifswald promotes gender equality in sciences and research. The purpose of the „Käthe-Kluth-Scholarship“ is to encourage and support women in starting an academic career. Since 2007, the scholarship has been awarded to female researchers, who have already gained a professorship or are about to do so.

Centre of Excellence for Women and Science

The Centre of Excellence for Women and Science (CEWS) is a service institution supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The CEWS provides information about sources of support for female researchers.


  1. Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
  2. Cusanuswerk
  3. Evangelisches Studienwerk
  4. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
  5. Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit
  6. Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung
  7. Hans-Böckler-Stiftung
  8. Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
  9. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
  10. Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (sdw)
  11. Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
  12. DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
  13. Dr. Willy Rebelein Stiftung
  14. Heinz und Mia Krone-Stiftung
  15. Stiftung zur Förderung körperbehinderter Hochbegabter


  1. Informations- und Beratungsstelle Studium und Behinderung des Deutschen Studentenwerks

Ausgewählte Angebote einzelner Hochschulen

  1. Dortmunder Zentrum Behinderung und Studium DoBuS
  2. Servicestelle für behinderte Studierende an der Philipps-Universität Marburg
  3. FH Lausitz
  4. Zentrum für blinde und sehbehinderte Studierende (BliZ)